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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the vibe like at Denison University in Granville, Ohio?

I'm considering Denison University in Granville, Ohio, but I'd love to get a sense of what the campus life is really like. How's the student community, and what kind of extracurricular opportunities are there?

3 months ago

Denison University is known for fostering a close-knit community and the vibe on campus is often described as friendly and inclusive. Many students mention getting to know their peers not just in classes, but through various activities and opportunities outside the classroom.

The university boasts over 160 student organizations, so there's something for everyone. These include clubs centered around various interests, such as arts, environmental advocacy, multicultural organizations, and more. So extracurricular involvement is typically high and a great way to get to know other students.

In terms of athletics, Denison has quite a few varsity teams, and there is strong support for the Big Red at games. The school is part of the NCAA Division III, and about a third of students are involved in varsity, club, or intramural sports.

The campus is in Granville, a small village, and many students appreciate this small-town feel. That being said, they also enjoy venturing into Columbus, a larger city about 30 minutes away, for shopping, dining, concerts, internships, and other forms of entertainment.

Academically, students often describe the workload as rigorous, but collaborative. The school promotes an intellectual environment where students are encouraged to work together on projects and assignments.

Denison has a residential requirement, meaning students live on campus, which contributes to the strong sense of community. The college also emphasizes experiential learning and global programs, so many students have opportunities to study abroad or undertake internships, which adds to the diversity of experiences on campus.

In a nutshell, at Denison University, you'll likely find a welcoming, inclusive community, a broad range of extracurricular activities, and strong ties between students due to the residential campus.

3 months ago

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