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How is the design program at design schools?

I'm really interested in pursuing a career in design, and I'm trying to figure out which design schools have the best programs. What should I be looking for when comparing these schools?

6 days ago

As someone who deals with a lot of college admissions, here's what I'd recommend you look for when trying to compare and evaluate design programs:

1. Curriculum: What are the courses offered in the major? Is it broad or specialized? Look for courses that would interest you and develop your preferred design skills. Some programs might lean more towards technical skills (like CAD applications) while others may focus heavily on the creative aspect (concept development, ideation). A balanced program covering both theory and practical application would be ideal.

2. Faculty: Check out the qualifications, experiences and works of the teaching staff. Professors with industry experience can help in bridging the gap between theory and practice.

3. Student Work: Many schools showcase student work on their websites. Taking a look at these can give you an idea of what you’ll be able to accomplish in the program.

4. Facilities: A good design school would typically have modern facilities such as a well-equipped design studio, computer labs with the latest design software, and prototyping tools.

5. Internships & Placement: Look at the school's internship offerings and their job placement rate. Collaborations with industries for internships are a positive sign as it exposes students to the working world.

6. Accreditation: Make sure the program is accredited by a reputable body. In the US, the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) is the main accrediting body for undergraduate and graduate art and design programs.

7. Reputation and Rankings: While not a perfect measure, school rankings can provide some insights on how a program compares to others. Keep in mind these rankings often assess a variety of factors, and not all may be relevant for you.

For instance, Rhode Island School of Design and Pratt Institute are renowned for their robust design programs, and consistently rank high in many rankings. These programs are known for their rigorous curriculum, accomplished faculty, high-quality facilities, and strong ties to industry.

In the end, the best design program for you is one that aligns with your interests, skills, and career goals. Be sure to leverage all your resources like college websites, alumni, college fairs, and admission officers to gather as much information as possible.

6 days ago

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