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What are some good business schools in California?

I'm thinking about majoring in business when I go to college and have heard that California has some pretty strong programs. Could anyone recommend some good business schools in California that I should consider applying to?

6 days ago

Certainly! California has an array of strong business programs that you might want to consider.

Starting with the University of California system, UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business stands out as one of the top business schools not only in California but also in the nation. The undergraduate business administration program at the Haas School of Business is known for its rigorous curriculum and the extensive opportunities it provides for its students.

Another great institution is the University of Southern California (USC). The Marshall School of Business at USC has a dynamic undergraduate business program. It's highly ranked and is known for its strong alumni network and opportunities for internships, especially given its location in Los Angeles.

Stanford University, though it doesn't offer an undergraduate business major, does offer an interdisciplinary program in Management Science and Engineering, which provides students with the tools to innovate and lead in the business world.

California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly SLO) houses the Orfalea College of Business, known for its "learn by doing" philosophy. It offers majors in business administration with various concentrations, including Finance, Marketing, and Management.

The University of San Diego also has a noteworthy business program and offers a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with specialties in areas such as International Business, Marketing, Finance, and Real Estate.

Another to mention is Santa Clara University's Leavey School of Business, which is well regarded for its ethics-centered curriculum and its location in Silicon Valley, providing strong networking and internship possibilities.

Keep in mind that the best business school for you will depend not just on program rankings, but also on factors like the school's culture, location, size, and the opportunities it offers for internships or other experiential learning in your particular areas of interest within business. I hope this helps as you continue your college search!

6 days ago

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