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What's the format of the AP Bio exam?

Hey guys, I'm taking AP Bio this year, and I'd like to know what the exam format is like. Does it have a mix of multiple-choice, short-answer, and free-response questions? How can I best prepare for each section? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! AP Biology exam does indeed consist of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and free-response questions. The exam is broken down into two main sections:

1. Multiple-choice: There are 60 questions in this section, and you'll have 90 minutes to complete it. This section accounts for 50% of your overall score.

2. Free-response: This section consists of 6 questions (two long-form and four short-answer) which you'll have 90 minutes to answer. It also contributes 50% of your overall score.

To prepare for each section, I'd recommend focusing on understanding the main concepts, practicing problem-solving skills, and becoming familiar with experimental design and data interpretation.

For the multiple-choice section, you can try solving practice tests and analyzing your mistakes. For the free-response section, practice answering past exam questions under timed conditions and review the scoring guidelines to understand what the graders are looking for. Using resources like CollegeVine's study guides and seeking help from your teacher can be quite helpful in your preparation too! Good luck!

a year ago

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