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What majors are popular at Liberty University?

I'm planning my college applications and want to know more about the most popular majors at Liberty University. Does anyone know which programs they're known for, and how comprehensive these programs are?

27 days ago

Liberty University is a private Christian university and they are known for their academic programs in several areas.

One of the most popular majors at Liberty is Business Administration and Management. The School of Business at Liberty University offers a broad understanding of business fundamentals. The curriculum emphasizes organizational management, strategic planning, business law, marketing, and more.

Another widely popular major is Nursing. Students in the nursing program receive comprehensive training in patient care, healthcare administration, and medical ethics, among other topics, preparing them for a diverse range of nursing roles.

The university is also known for its strong programs in disciplines such as Education, Psychology, and Criminal Justice/Safety Studies. The School of Education, for example, is recognized for training future educators who will excel in their mission of teaching, challenging, and inspiring students.

The School of Divinity also sees many students, given Liberty's Christian underpinning. Here, students can focus on degrees like Pastoral Counseling or Divinity/Ministry.

Furthermore, within these disciplines, there are opportunities to narrow your focus according to interest. Examining the specifics of these programs might really help you find a perfect fit.

Remember to consider not just the popularity of the major, but also whether the courses, resources, and potential career paths align with your goals and interests.

27 days ago

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