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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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All A's and one B—how much will it hurt my chances?

Hey everyone, I've been mainly getting straight A's in high school but ended up with one B. How much will this one grade impact my chances of getting into top-tier colleges? Should I address this in my application? Thanks for any advice!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great to see that you've been doing well in school. While getting straight A's is certainly impressive, a single B won't necessarily hurt your chances of getting into a top-tier college. Admissions officers understand that students are human, and nobody is perfect.

It's important to show that you've challenged yourself with rigorous coursework, and if that B was in a challenging class, it might not even be a significant drawback. Rather than focusing on that one grade, it's better to highlight your academic strengths, extracurricular activities, and passion in other areas of your application.

Top colleges often look for applicants with a 'spike'—a highly developed skill or interest area—as opposed to well-rounded students, so try to emphasize your unique qualities. As for addressing the B in your application, it's usually not necessary unless there's a specific, impactful reason behind it. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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