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SAT: 720 math
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What do Manhattan College's rankings look like?

I'm considering applying to Manhattan College and wanted to get a sense of its reputation. How does it rank nationally or regionally, and are there any specific departments that are particularly well-regarded?

5 days ago

Manhattan College is a reputable institution that has garnered a number of recognitions in various ranking lists.

On the national scale, it's usually ranked within the top 20 of Regional Universities in the North by the U.S. News and World Report. This means it's well-regarded among institutions that provide a full range of undergraduate programs and some master's programs but few doctoral programs, and it's among the upper echelon of schools in its region.

Concerning specific departments, Manhattan College is particularly known for its Engineering programs, which frequently rank among the top 50 for schools whose highest degree is a bachelor's or master's. The business program is also recognized often, appearing in the top 100 Undergraduate Business Programs by the U.S. News.

In addition to academics, it's worth noting that Manhattan College often appears in the top 20 for Best Value Schools in its category, indicating a commitment to providing a high-quality education at an affordable cost relative to other schools.

However, rankings are just one facet of a school's reputation. Other factors like faculty quality, student reviews, alumni success, and fit for your specific needs and goals are equally, if not more, important.

5 days ago

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