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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is Emerson College's admission rate like?

I'm curious about the admission rate at Emerson College. I'm considering applying and want to know how competitive it is. Does anyone have recent information on their acceptance rate?

8 days ago

Emerson College's acceptance rate fluctuates year to year based on the applicant pool, but as of the most recent admissions cycle, it was around 43%. This means that 43 out of every 100 students who applied were admitted, indicating a moderately competitive admissions process.

Remember, acceptance rates are just one part of the equation when assessing a school's competitiveness. Factors such as GPA, course rigor, extracurricular activities and other aspects of your application are also vital in determining your chances of admission. Additionally, specific programs within a college can have different levels of selectivity.

Make sure to capitalize on your strengths and interests in your application to showcase your fit with Emerson's unique offerings and culture. Best of luck on your application!

8 days ago

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