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Finding AP Calculus BC problems to practice

Hi all! I'm trying to find more challenging problems to practice for the AP Calculus BC exam. Where can I find resources or websites with problem sets suited to the difficulty level of the exam? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! It's awesome that you're looking for additional resources to prepare for the AP Calculus BC exam. One of the best places to start is the College Board website, as they provide official AP Calculus BC practice problems and free-response questions from previous years. This will give you an accurate idea of the question types and difficulty level you can expect on the actual exam.

In addition to the College Board, there are other places you can find quality practice materials. Khan Academy is a fantastic resource, offering lots of videos and practice problems specifically designed for AP Calculus BC. CollegeVine also provides helpful resources, such as essay guides and general test-taking advice.

For more challenging, exam-like practice problems, you can try books such as 'The Princeton Review: Cracking the AP Calculus BC Exam' or 'Barron's AP Calculus.' These books often include thorough content review, practice questions, and full-length practice exams. Good luck with your studying!

a year ago

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