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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best ACT Science Section Tips?

Hey everyone, I'm feeling a little bit lost with the ACT Science section. Any advice for what worked for you or any resources you found super helpful? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey! I understand the struggles with the ACT Science section. Here are a few tips and resources that could be helpful:

1. Focus on understanding graphs and data tables: The ACT Science section is heavily based on data interpretation, so make sure you're comfortable with reading and analyzing different types of graphs and tables.

2. Keep an eye on the clock: Time management is crucial. The Science section has 40 questions with only 35 minutes, so ideally, you’d want to spend less than a minute per question. Practice this pace during your mock tests.

3. Use process of elimination: If you're not sure about an answer, eliminate options that seem incorrect. This increases your chances of selecting the correct answer.

4. Resources: CollegeVine has some excellent ACT prep resources:

I’d also recommend checking out the official ACT website for practice tests and tips. Best of luck with your preparation!

a year ago

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