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Texas A&M Corps of Cadets Acceptance Rate

I'm thinking about joining the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets, but I'm curious about the competitiveness of it. Does anyone know about the acceptance rate or what they're generally looking for in applicants?

a year ago

It's not as competitive as you might think to join the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets. In fact, they have an open enrollment policy, which means all interested students who are admitted to Texas A&M University and meet the Corps' entry requirements have the opportunity to join the Corps. As long as you are academically and physically able, you'll be welcomed into the program.

Some entry requirements include being a full-time student at Texas A&M, being in good academic standing, possessing a desire to be a part of a military-style organization, and meeting the minimum physical fitness standards.

The Corps of Cadets is known for developing well-rounded leaders with a strong sense of discipline and commitment. They’re seeking applicants who demonstrate leadership attributes, commitment to personal growth, and who are willing to be challenged as they participate in this unique and rewarding organization.

If you're interested, I would recommend looking into the program in more detail, visiting their website, and reaching out to current cadets or Corps staff to learn about their experiences and get advice on how best to prepare for joining the Corps.

a year ago

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