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How to Get Scholarships as an International Student at Yale College?

I'm an international junior hoping to apply to Yale. Does anyone know what scholarships Yale offers to international students and how competitive they are? Any tips appreciated!

5 days ago

Yale University is quite supportive of international students, offering a robust financial aid program that is applicable to such students. Yale has a financial aid policy that meets the full demonstrated need of all admitted students regardless of citizenship or immigration status, which would include international students.

In terms of figuring out and applying for financial aid, here's a plan of action:

1. Complete the required financial aid applications: As an international candidate, you'll need to complete the Yale-specific financial aid application. The University suggests you do this prior to or with your submission of the Common Application.

2. Understand Yale's Financial Aid Policy: The University considers that families with less than $75,000 income have "zero Parent Share" for the cost of education. Aid packages are 100% need-based and do not include loans.

3. Review the scholarship efficiently: Yale reviews the 'Total Student Effort'—a combination of term-time work and the student's summer income—a manageable size. The amount is about the same as work opportunities available on other Ivies' campuses and is typically less than the maximum Federal Work-Study allotment.

In terms of competitiveness, it all depends on your family's economic circumstances, as the need-based aid is meant to enable students of every economic background to afford Yale. Keep track of deadlines and ensure all your documentation is accurate for the best chance of success.

As for more specific pointers in securing a place at Yale as an international student, I would suggest focusing heavily on your essays and recommendations. These are critical components in distinguishing yourself among other highly-qualified applicants. Don't forget to highlight your "spike," or specialized area of interest, and demonstrate how it will contribute to Yale's diverse community. Good luck!

5 days ago

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