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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Barnard Bound?

Hey everyone! I was looking into the Barnard Bound program for 2024. Does anyone have any insight into what this program is like and how to apply? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! The Barnard Bound program is an amazing opportunity for high school seniors who are interested in attending Barnard College. The program typically takes place in the fall semester and offers students the opportunity to experience life at Barnard both academically and socially.

Barnard Bound typically provides an all-inclusive, immersive visit to the campus, including opportunities to sit in on classes, take a campus tour, speak with current students, and learn about the admissions and financial aid process. It's an excellent way to get a sense of the Barnard community and find out if the school could be a good fit for you.

When it comes to applying for the program, you'll want to check the Barnard College Admissions website for information regarding Barnard Bound's application process and deadlines. Generally, the application consists of providing some personal and academic information, along with a short essay explaining your interest in Barnard College.

Good luck, and I hope you get the chance to attend the Barnard Bound program!

a year ago

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