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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What Texas community colleges are located in Houston?

I'm considering attending a community college in Houston, TX after I graduate high school. Can anyone share which community colleges are available in that area and any experiences you've had with them?

5 days ago

Sure, there are a few community colleges in Houston, TX that you might consider:

1. Houston Community College (HCC): This is one of the largest community colleges in the U.S., offering over 100 associate degree and certificate programs. HCC's system includes multiple campuses across the city, each offering different specialties.

2. Lone Star College System: Although its main campus isn't directly in Houston, several of its branches are. This system is known for a wide variety of degree programs and comprehensive continuing education programs.

3. San Jacinto College: San Jacinto has multiple campuses in the Houston area. They offer many academic and technical programs, including a renowned nursing program.

4. Lee College: Located in Baytown, which is within the Houston Metropolitan Area, Lee College offers a good number of associate degrees and certificates.

Each of these colleges offers diverse programs and resources. Many students have had positive experiences with the affordability, flexible class schedules, robust student support services, and transfer pathways to four-year universities provided by these institutions. Do some research on each one, and see which appears to be the best fit for your academic and career goals. Remember, contacting the school's admissions office can be a great way to get specific questions answered and get a feel for the institution.

5 days ago

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