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How hard is it to get into the University of Texas at Austin?

I'm curious about the acceptance rate at UT Austin and what kind of applicants usually get admitted. Is it really competitive, and what should I focus on to strengthen my application? I’m thinking of applying next year.

7 days ago

The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) is one of the more competitive state universities, with an acceptance rate around 32% for the last reported cycle. This means that they accept roughly one out of every three applicants. It's also important to note that this varies by program, with some programs (especially their business and engineering programs) being more competitive.

To be a strong candidate for UT Austin, you should strive for a robust academic profile (high GPA, rigorous coursework), along with good standardized test scores. For the 2024-2025 application cycle, UT Austin has discontinued its test-optional policy and will require all applicants to submit an SAT or ACT score.

In terms of GPA, the middle 50% range for admitted students is approximately 3.84 to 4.00 (on a 4.00 scale). For the SAT, the middle 50% score range for admitted students is around 1230-1480. With these stats in mind, the higher your academic metrics, the better your chances.

But remember, admissions doesn't solely rely on grades and test scores. UT Austin, like many universities, values a holistic review process. This means they're looking at your extracurricular activities, essays, and other aspects of your application that demonstrate your character, leadership, and how you've made an impact in your community.

They will want to see that you have meaningful extracurricular involvement. This could mean holding leadership positions, deeply engaging with a few key activities, or having some exceptional achievements.

Finally, your essays—especially the ApplyTexas required essays—are your chance to really show who you are as an individual, beyond your grades and scores. Make sure to focus on your unique experiences and perspectives, how you've grown, and what you hope to achieve or contribute in college and beyond. Choose your topics carefully to ensure they give insight into who you are.

Best of luck with your application to UT Austin!

7 days ago

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