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Travel abroad scholarships for college students?

I'm looking into studying abroad during college, and I'm curious about scholarships that could help fund this experience. Are there scholarships specifically for traveling abroad, and what requirements should I expect for these applications?

a month ago

Absolutely, there are numerous scholarships designed specifically to support college students seeking to study abroad. Many of these scholarships take factors like academic merit, financial need, and personal goals into account. Here are a few popular ones:

1. Gilman International Scholarship - This scholarship is for U.S. undergraduates who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding, and it offers up to $5,000.

2. Boren Awards: This program offers scholarships for students to study languages and cultures that are less commonly taught.

3. Fund for Education Abroad (FEA): FEA provides scholarships to students who are underrepresented among study abroad participants, and it also supports students seeking to study less commonly taught languages or travel to less common study abroad destinations.

When it comes to requirements, they vary, but will generally include several components like an application form, academic transcripts, one or more letters of recommendation, and essays outlining your goals and reasons for wanting to study abroad. Some scholarships might have specific eligibility criteria reflecting their mission or purpose, such as supporting students from underrepresented backgrounds or those studying certain areas of interest.

Lastly, don't forget to check out your own university's study abroad office, as many institutions have school-specific scholarships available to their students. Be sure to start your search early, as these applications can be as demanding as your college applications, and deadlines may be well before you leave to go abroad. Good luck!

a month ago

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