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Oakland University ranking insights?

I'm considering applying to Oakland University, but I'm curious about its ranking. How does it compare academically to similar universities, and what are its strengths and weaknesses?

7 days ago

Oakland University, located in Rochester, Michigan, is a mid-sized public university. As of the latest U.S. News & World Report rankings, Oakland University is ranked #315 in National Universities. In particular, its undergraduate engineering program has been noted for its quality, being ranked #191-209. The university is also known to have a robust health sciences curriculum, given its proximity to several medical facilities.

One of its key strengths is the smaller class sizes which often leads to more personalized attention from faculty. It also offers a wide range of majors to choose from, allowing students vast academic flexibility.

Though, like any university, it has areas for improvement. While it does offer a variety of majors, some specific programs aren't as comprehensive or top-tier as others, meaning your experience may vary depending on your chosen field of study. Additionally, some students have raised concerns about the recent increase in tuition rates, something you may wish to look into when considering cost-effectiveness.

Remember that while ranking is a salient consideration, it's also crucial to look at other factors like campus environment, available academic resources, student-to-faculty ratio, opportunities for research or internships, and your potential fit within the campus community. Don't let rankings alone determine your choice of university; it's also about where you feel you'll thrive academically and personally.

7 days ago

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