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What are some top music schools I should consider?

As someone who loves music and wants to make it my career, I'm looking at music schools. Which music schools are top-rated and why? Do they have strong programs for composition or music technology?

4 days ago

There are a number of esteemed music institutions that you could consider. Here are a few, along with some reasons they are highly respected:

- Juilliard School: Renowned for its excellent programs across all music genres, Juilliard is arguably the most famous music school in the world. Its music technology center promotes the creative use of technology within the arts.

- Berklee College of Music: This college embodies contemporary music and offers a Bachelor of Music in Composition and a Music Production and Engineering Major.

- Curtis Institute of Music: Best known for producing world-class orchestral musicians, Curtis provides a highly-personalized education in a scenic location in Philadelphia.

- Eastman School of Music: Part of the University of Rochester, Eastman has strong programs in composition and theory, and its state-of-the-art production studios support studies in music technology.

- Yale School of Music: Noted for its strong orchestra and opera programs, Yale offers a number of programs in music technology and composition.

- University of Southern California's Thornton School of Music: With its prime location in Los Angeles, USC is noted for its top-notch music industry program which blends theory with industry-relevant skillsets.

It may also be worth looking at some non-conservatory-style colleges that also have strong music programs. For example, Northwestern's Bienen School of Music has a strong reputation for both performance and music technology.

Remember, the 'best' school ultimately depends on what specifically you're looking to get out of your college experience, so keep your personal needs and career aspirations at the forefront of your search process.

4 days ago

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