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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's it like to study at AMDA New York?

I'm considering applying to the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York. For anyone who's attended or is currently attending, how is the experience both academically and socially? Also, any tips on the audition process would be super helpful!

4 days ago

The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) in New York offers a highly specialized training environment for aspiring performers, focusing on the areas of acting, musical theatre, dance and performing arts. One of the unique aspects about studying at AMDA is the integration of your studies with the vibrant performing arts scene of New York City. The city itself serves as sort of an extended campus, providing numerous opportunities to engage with professional performances, workshops, and networking opportunities.

Academically, the curriculum at AMDA is designed to be rigorous and comprehensive, helping you develop a versatile set of performing arts skills. From learning dance techniques or character work in acting to studying music theory, you're likely to find your days filled with rehearsing, performing, and studying. The faculty comprises of professionals who have worked in the field, providing students with first-hand knowledge and experiences from the industry.

Socially, AMDA gives students a close-knit community of performers, which can be both supportive and competitive. Since everyone is passionate about similar fields of study, this can foster deep bonds amongst students. Remember that, given the nature of the programs, much of your time will be devoted to classes, rehearsals, and performances, which might not leave a lot of free time.

Regarding auditions, it's key to select pieces that showcase your abilities and range. Also, pay attention to the directions given during the auditions; being directable is a critical aspect being assessed. For musical theater, make sure your song choices show your range and ability to convey emotion. For acting auditions, choose monologues that allow you to show depth and variety in your acting. Ensure you are well-rehearsed and comfortable with your pieces. Lastly, remember that the audition is also a chance for you to decide if AMDA is a fit for you, so ask any questions you might have and get a feel for the campus and people.

4 days ago

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