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Finding scholarships for college in California?

I'll be applying to colleges in California soon, and I'm hoping to find some good scholarships. Does anyone have experience with California-specific scholarships or know where to start looking?

4 days ago

There are a range of scholarships specifically for students in California, as well as numerous scholarships for students attending California schools from out of state. One particularly notable California-specific scholarship is The Cal Grant, administered by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). It provides financial aid to in-state students based on financial need, academic performance, and other factors.

There's also the Middle Class Scholarship, which is for California residents attending a University of California or California State University campus and have family incomes up to $184,000.

For students interested in community service, the Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program awards scholarships to students in communities served by Comcast who demonstrate a strong commitment to community service and display leadership abilities in school activities or through work experience.

For students from underrepresented backgrounds, the Chicana/Latina Foundation awards annual scholarships to Latina college students in Northern California.

To find more scholarships, check out Appily. It's a tool that can help you find scholarships by browsing through thousands of scholarships based on your specific profile and interests.

Be sure to also check scholarship information on the individual college's financial aid websites. Many colleges have scholarships unique to their institution that can be a significant source of funding.

Lastly, it's also helpful to connect with your high school's guidance counselor. They often have information on local scholarships which can be less competitive since they're only open to students from a specific geographical area.

4 days ago

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