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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Getting a letter of recommendation for a promotion?

Hi everyone! I'm a junior and I’m considering applying for a promotion at my part-time job. My supervisor really values me, and I think a letter of recommendation could help seal the deal. How would I go about asking my supervisor for a letter in an appropriate manner?

a year ago

Hey there! It's awesome to hear that you're considering going for a promotion at your part-time job. It's always good to put yourself out there and strive for growth, and a letter of recommendation from your supervisor could definitely give you an edge in the process.

Firstly, make sure to choose an appropriate time and setting to bring up the topic. Ideally, find a quiet moment when your supervisor isn't swamped with other tasks. When you approach your supervisor, express your interest in the promotion, and mention why you think you would be a good fit for the position. Then, politely ask if they would feel comfortable writing you a letter of recommendation to support your application.

Be sure to give them plenty of time to write the letter, at least a couple of weeks, if possible. Offer to provide any information or materials that would help them write the letter, such as a list of your achievements, responsibilities, or any notable projects you've worked on.

Remember, be genuine when expressing your gratitude for their time and effort. Good luck with your promotion! You've got this!

a year ago

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