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SAT: 720 math
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Resources for Missouri Scholarships for College Students?

I'm currently a college student in Missouri, and I'm trying to find some scholarships to help with tuition next year. What are some good places to look, and are there any well-known scholarships for current college students in Missouri?

4 days ago

There are several excellent resources for finding scholarships as a college student in Missouri.

1. Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development: They offer several scholarship programs like the Bright Flight Program, the A+ Scholarship Program, and the Minority Teaching Scholarship program. Their website provides comprehensive details and eligibility criteria for each of these scholarships.

2. School’s Financial Aid Office: Your current school is an excellent resource. Be sure to visit your school's financial aid office, as they often have information about scholarships available specifically for current and prospective students. They can also provide guidance on local scholarships you might be eligible for.

3. State and Local Organizations: Many state-based and local organizations in Missouri offer scholarships. For example, the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers offers a scholarship for students pursuing an engineering degree, while the Heartland Foundation has scholarships for students pursuing a degree in a health-related field.

4. Appily: This scholarship search engine allows you to search thousands of scholarships based on your unique profile. It even offers a "Scholarship Matcher" tool to help you find scholarships that you're eligible for.

Remember, each scholarship has its own set of requirements, so it's important to sift through and target the ones which align best with your qualifications and future goals. Best of luck in your search!

4 days ago

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