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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Ohio Scholarships for College Freshmen: What to Know?

I'm planning to start college as a freshman soon and was wondering about Ohio scholarships available for incoming college freshmen. Any recommendations or personal experiences would be appreciated to help me financial plan for the first year.

4 days ago

There are quite a few scholarships available specifically for Ohio residents, and incoming freshmen like yourself can certainly take advantage of them! Here are just a few examples:

1. "Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program" is a great state initiative that aims to support students majoring in STEMM fields (science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine). Amounts may vary.

2. The "Ohio College Opportunity Grant" is a need-based program that provides financial aid to Ohio residents who show the greatest need with an Expected Family Contribution (formerly EFC, now termed SAI) of 3,750 or less.

3. The "Forever Buckeyes Program" offers in-state tuition to former Ohio residents who return to the state to pursue a degree after previously living in Ohio and receiving a high school diploma or GED there.

4. "The Ohio War Orphan & Severely Disabled Veterans' Children Scholarship Program" provides assistance to children of deceased or severely disabled Ohio veterans who served in the armed forces during a period of declared war or conflict.

Beyond these, many universities and colleges also have internal scholarships. For instance, Ohio State University offers the "Maximus, Provost, Trustees Scholarship" that is need-based and the "Eminence Fellows Program and Scholarship" that's merit-based.

I would also recommend using websites like Appily to help you find scholarships based on your interests, career plans, and personal circumstances. Always be certain to check the requirement details for each scholarship to make sure you qualify!

Remember, a balanced strategy to pay for college also includes a mix of scholarships, work-study, loans, and potential grants. Completing the FAFSA should be a top priority to check your eligibility for many types of state and federal aid. Good luck in your search!

4 days ago

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