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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Big 12 schools and their locations?

Hi everyone, I've been looking into the Big 12 conference schools for my college search but I'm having trouble figuring out where exactly each school is located. Can anyone provide a list of schools in the Big 12 and their respective locations? Thanks for the help!

7 months ago

Hello, I'm glad to help you with this information. The Big 12 Conference currently consists of 10 colleges and universities, despite its name. Here is a list of the schools and their respective locations:

1. Baylor University - Waco, Texas

2. Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa

3. University of Kansas - Lawrence, Kansas

4. Kansas State University - Manhattan, Kansas

5. University of Oklahoma - Norman, Oklahoma

6. Oklahoma State University - Stillwater, Oklahoma

7. University of Texas at Austin - Austin, Texas

8. Texas Christian University (TCU) - Fort Worth, Texas

9. Texas Tech University - Lubbock, Texas

10. West Virginia University - Morgantown, West Virginia

I hope this helps clarify the locations of each Big 12 school. Keep in mind, though, that college sports is undergoing a major realignment next year, and schools such as Arizona and Arizona State, along with quite a few others, will be joining the Big 12. So, if none of these locations are appealing to you but you know you're drawn to that Big 12 spirit, you're about to have a lot more options available to you!

Good luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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