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How is campus life at Middlebury College?

I'm thinking about applying to Middlebury and want to know more about the campus life there. What are the dorms like? Are there fun traditions or clubs to join? Would love to hear from current students or recent alums!

6 days ago

Middlebury College, nestled in the Green Mountains of Vermont, offers a vibrant campus life. One of the things students appreciate most about the college is the close-knit community that is fostered on campus. There's a definite sense of camaraderie, inspiring an atmosphere of collaboration and mutual support.

When it comes to housing, Middlebury has a range of dorm styles. The majority are co-ed, with separate bathrooms for different genders. Rooms are usually arrayed in suites or corridors, and there is a "superblock" of four dorms in the center of the residential quad known as "the Mods". Some students also choose to live in "Special Interest" houses, such as the Sustainability House or the Language Houses, where students commit to specific living-learning goals.

Middlebury has over 150 student-run clubs ranging from academics, arts, and culture to athletics, service, and social causes. Many students are involved in multiple extracurriculars. A popular one is the Middlebury Mountain Club, which organizes outdoor activities like hiking and camping trips. There's also a strong musical culture on campus, with numerous student-led a cappella groups, bands, and ensembles.

Traditions are rich at Middlebury. A classic example is the Winter Carnival, which has been a college fixture since 1923. This event, usually organized in February, features fireworks, a parade, ice sculptures, and a ski carnival. Another well-loved tradition is the "Feb Celebration" held for the February-admitted students, or "Febs", which comprises a ski-down celebration at the Snow Bowl and a bonfire on campus.

Remember, while these insights should give you a sense of what life is like at Middlebury, experiences can vary greatly from student to student. One excellent way to get an authentic feel for campus life is by attending a virtual tour or information session, or speaking directly with current students or alumni.

6 days ago

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