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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What makes The University of Pennsylvania unique?

I'm starting to look into The University of Pennsylvania and wonder what sets it apart from other Ivy League schools. What's the culture like, and are there any standout programs to note?

4 days ago

The University of Pennsylvania, also referred to as UPenn, has some unique attributes that distinguish it among the Ivy League, most notably its interdisciplinary and pre-professional approach to education. This is embodied in the "One University" policy, encouraging students to take classes across its four undergraduate schools: Wharton School of Business, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering and Applied Science, and School of Nursing. This gives students a broader educational perspective than many other universities and allows them to diversify their academic experiences.

Culture-wise, UPenn is generally seen as epitomizing a balance between work and play. The academic rigor is very high, yet students often make time for extracurriculars and social events as well, leading to an atmosphere that can feel both collaborative and competitive.

The dual degree programs offered at UPenn are another standout offering. A good example is the Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business, which combines business education from the Wharton School with advanced language and liberal arts training. It's a highly selective 4-year program that even includes a study abroad component.

Wharton's business program is renowned and was actually the first collegiate business school. While it's certainly intense, their approach to learning is very hands-on and taught through a team-based approach, and there are a wealth of networking and internship opportunities to compliment your classroom learning.

Like other Ivy League universities, UPenn has robust research programs, but what makes them particularly unique in this field is their emphasis on undergraduate research, with many opportunities available in fields ranging from humanities to hard sciences.

To really get a feel for UPenn, it would be beneficial to tour the campus if possible, or take part in virtual events if visiting in person is not feasible. This will allow you to experience the campus community and decide if it aligns with what you're seeking in a college experience.

4 days ago

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