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APES test format - What to expect?

Hey guys, does anyone know the format of the AP Environmental Science (APES) exam? I'd appreciate any information on the types of questions I should expect, as well as the number of questions in each section. Thanks!

9 months ago

Hey there! The AP Environmental Science (APES) exam is broken down into two main sections: multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and free-response questions (FRQs). For the MCQ section, you will have 90 minutes to answer 80 questions. These questions cover a variety of topics related to environmental science and often require you to interpret graphs, charts, or other data sources.

The FRQ section consists of three questions with a 70-minute time limit for all three. The first two are longer and address specific topics in environmental science, while the third one is shorter and typically asks you to design an experiment or investigation. To perform well on the FRQs, make sure to practice writing concise, well-organized responses, and providing specific examples wherever possible.

To get familiar with the exam, I recommend checking out the College Board's APES page for sample questions and past exams. Additionally, don't forget about resources, such as test prep books from reputable sources such as Princeton Review, where you can find helpful information as well.

Good luck!

9 months ago

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