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Which schools have the strongest music programs?

Music is my passion, and I'd like to pursue it in college. Can anyone recommend schools known for their excellent music programs?

4 days ago

It's great to hear that you're looking to pursue your passion for music in college. There are a number of universities and conservatories renowned for their exceptional music programs.

1. Juilliard School: Based in New York City, Juilliard is often considered the premier music school in the world. It offers degrees in performance, composition, and conducting.

2. Berklee College of Music: Located in Boston, Berklee is especially famous for its programs in contemporary and popular music. They offer programs in performance, production, film scoring, songwriting, and music therapy.

3. Indiana University—Jacobs School of Music: This school in Bloomington, Indiana, is recognized for its prestigious programs across a range of disciplines. It boasts a particular emphasis on orchestral and operatic performance.

4. University of Southern California—Thornton School of Music: Based in Los Angeles, a music industry hub, Thornton provides a broad range of music degree programs, from classical performance to music industry and audio engineering.

5. The Curtis Institute: This Philadelphia-based conservatory has an extremely competitive acceptance rate and a small size, allowing for a highly personalized educational experience. All accepted students receive a full-tuition scholarship.

6. Eastman School of Music at University of Rochester: Eastman is widely recognized for its programs in composition, theory, and jazz studies.

Lastly, something to keep in mind while searching for a suitable program is what type of music you are specifically interested in—classical, jazz, contemporary, etc. Different schools often have strengths in different areas. Remember to also consider the practical aspects, like the school's proximity to a bustling music scene for gigging and networking opportunities. Good luck with your search!

4 days ago

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