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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Community Colleges in Nashville: Where to Start?

I'm exploring community college options in Nashville and wanted to know which ones have the best programs or reputations. If anyone has experiences or insights about the community colleges there, that'd be super helpful!

6 days ago

Nashville, Tennessee, has several excellent community colleges that offer a wide range of programs. I would recommend checking out the following institutions:

1. Nashville State Community College (NSCC): NSCC is known for its diverse selection of certificate and degree programs, with more than 80 fields of study including health sciences, business, IT, and culinary arts. The college also has strong connections with local industries which facilitates the opportunity for internships and employment post graduation. Plus, NSCC has multiple campuses across the city which can be convenient depending on where you live.

2. Volunteer State Community College: Located in Gallatin, just northeast of Nashville, Vol State is another strong community college. Notable programs include health sciences, business, and music industry studies. They also offer online degrees which provide flexibility for non-traditional students, or those who have work or family obligations.

Keep in mind that the "best" community college depends on your academic and career goals. I encourage you to do some more research on both colleges, explore your interests, and potentially even reach out to their admissions offices to get a better understanding of what they offer. Good luck on your educational journey!

6 days ago

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