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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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SAT Prep: Effective Study Techniques

Hey, y'all! So I'm going to start studying for the SAT soon, and I was wondering what are some proven effective ways to study for it? Specifically, what tips or strategies have helped you? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

9 months ago

Hey there! Great to hear that you're preparing for the SAT! Having a solid study plan can definitely make a difference in your final score. Here are some tips and techniques that have helped others (and could help you too!):

1. Set a study schedule: Consistency is key when it comes to SAT prep. Allocate time daily or weekly to dedicate solely to SAT studying and stick to that schedule.

2. Use official practice tests: The College Board provides free official SAT practice tests, which can give you a feel for the actual test format and types of questions. Taking these tests under test-like conditions (in a quiet space, with the official time limits, etc.) is the best way of concretely tracking your progress.

3. Identify your weak areas: After taking practice tests, find where you struggle the most and focus on improving those areas. Sometimes, this means not just reviewing the questions you got wrong, but also those you got right, to ensure your process was correct and you didn't accidentally arrive at the right answer using a faulty method.

4. Utilize online resources: There are plenty of free websites, like Khan Academy and the College Board itself, that offer SAT study materials and practice questions.

5. Mix up your study methods: Try various methods like flashcards, videos, reading, or group study sessions to keep things fresh and engaging.

6. Take breaks and don't burn out: It's important to give yourself breaks during your study sessions and maintain a balanced lifestyle, as studying to the point of fatigue is usually counterproductive.

Good luck!

9 months ago

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