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DePaul University Admissions Process?

I'm curious about what the admissions process is like at DePaul University. What kind of students are they looking for, and does anyone know about specific requirements or tips to boost my chances?

3 days ago

DePaul University is a private, Catholic university based in Chicago and known for its commitment to providing an accessible education and serving first-gen and low income students. They evaluate applications through a holistic approach, which means they consider your academic responsibilities, community service, personal development, and extracurricular involvement in their decision, not just grades and test scores.

According to DePaul's admission page, some of the main academic factors they consider are strength of curriculum, grades in academic courses, GPA, and standardized test scores (if provided). Although DePaul University is test-optional, this does not mean they are 'test-blind'. Test-optional simply means that you can choose whether or not to submit your SAT or ACT scores as part of your application. But bear in mind, if you decide to submit your scores, they will be considered during the review process.

They have a higher than average acceptance rate (around 75%), but this doesn't mean they aren't interested in quality. They generally prefer students who have a GPA of 3.7 or higher and rigorous coursework, including honors, IB, or AP courses.

In terms of boosting your chances, a unique and compelling essay can make your application stand out. Be sure to share something that isn't conveyed through your transcript or your resume - perhaps a passion or an experience that has shaped you as an individual. Remember, the essay is the chance for the admissions staff to get to know you and understand how you can contribute to the DePaul community.

Furthermore, the school is built upon the principles of service and social justice, so demonstrating involvement in community engagement activities or discussing your interest in such areas in your essay can play well into their mission and vision.

As for specific requirements, DePaul doesn't have a strict formula. Everything depends on the individual applicant, the student body composition for the incoming class, and the university's institutional priorities. But do remember, transcripts are considered, so it's always good to show an upward grade trend and challenging curriculum. Good luck with your application!

3 days ago

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