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SAT: 720 math
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Can anyone share their experience at Loyola University Chicago's campus?

I'm considering applying to Loyola University Chicago and would love to hear more about what the campus experience is like. Are there particular places on campus that are a must-see, or any unique traditions students love?

17 days ago

Loyola University Chicago is situated in a beautiful location near Lake Michigan which provides a scenic environment for students. The campus itself has a modern aesthetic and is also environmentally friendly, with many LEED-certified buildings. There are several popular spots on campus where you can socialize, study, or simply enjoy the surroundings. One particularly beloved spot is the Information Commons, which is a glass-walled library overlooking Lake Michigan - a perfect place to study with an amazing view.

An exciting opportunity at Loyola is the ability to take advantage of its two campuses: Lake Shore and Water Tower. They are connected by a free shuttle service, allowing you to experience the more traditional, green Lake Shore campus along with Water Tower's bustling downtown location.

Regarding unique traditions, Loyola Chicago has something called the “Hogwarts Dinners” around Halloween in which the dining halls are transformed and essentially recreate the Great Hall from Harry Potter. It's a fun time and a beloved pastime for students.

Another tradition is "Loyola Weekend". During this event, academic sessions, department open houses, student-led campus tours, student panels, and more are organized. Students can also talk with faculty, staff, and current students about campus life during Loyola Weekend.

This being said everyone's experience can be quite different, so you might also want to consider attending a student-led campus tour if you haven't already. It's a great way to get a feel for the campus environment and ask current students any questions.

17 days ago

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