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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Questions about Clarkson University's acceptance rate

I'm curious about how competitive Clarkson University is. Does anyone have up-to-date information on its acceptance rate and what kind of students they typically accept? Any tips for strengthening an application to Clarkson?

3 days ago

While the acceptance rate of a school can give you a general idea of its selectivity, it's more useful to understand the profile of a typical accepted student. As of the last update, Clarkson University has an acceptance rate of about 77%. This means that it's moderately competitive, but not highly selective.

In terms of the academic profile of accepted students, the middle 50% range for SAT scores is typically around 1180-1360, and for the ACT it's around 24-30. The average high school GPA of admitted students is somewhere around 3.6 on a 4.0 scale.

To strengthen your application to Clarkson, you should certainly aim to fall into or above these academic ranges. Additionally, putting effort into your extracurricular involvement can also boost your application. Clarkson places considerable emphasis on practical experience, so showcasing any related work or research experience, particularly in STEM fields, could be advantageous.

Remember that your application essays are your opportunity to further distinguish yourself. They give you a chance to provide more context for your achievements, highlight your personal qualities, and express your interest in Clarkson, thus bringing your application to life.

You might also consider Clarkson's Early Decision option if you're certain that Clarkson is your top choice. This option can show your deep interest in attending, which could have a favorable impact on your application. Just be sure to visit the school's website to ensure the most up-to-date information regarding its admissions requirements and procedures.

3 days ago

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