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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insights on Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology?

I'm interested in technical programs and have heard about the Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology. What can you tell me about their offerings and campus life? Is it a good choice for someone considering a tech-focused career?

5 days ago

The Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology (OSUIT) indeed offers numerous industry-focused Associate and Bachelor's technical degree programs, making it an excellent choice for someone like you who's interested in a tech-focused career.

You'll find degree programs in areas like advanced technical management, engineering technologies, information technologies, and more. Many of these programs have close ties with industry and provide unique opportunities for internships, co-ops, and employment after graduation. This means you'll not only be obtaining theoretical knowledge but also gaining invaluable hands-on experience in your chosen field.

As for campus life, it's active and vibrant with plenty of activities and organizations to get involved in. You can expect anything from athletic events and intramural sports to student clubs centered around different hobbies and interests. This helps create a balanced academic experience, where you're not just hitting the books but also creating lasting memories and friendships.

Although it depends on your individual aspirations and plans, OSUIT is generally highly regarded for delivering a strong tech-focused education, directly preparing students for careers in various industries.

5 days ago

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