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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What's it like attending Sewanee: The University of the South?

Sewanee: The University of the South has caught my attention recently. I'm curious about what daily life is like there. How's the campus vibe, and are there particular programs or traditions that stand out?

3 days ago

Sewanee, commonly referred to as The University of the South, offers a unique experience that intertwines academics and outdoor pursuits thanks to its expansive campus, often known as "The Domain."

This 13,000 acre campus is nestled against the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, giving students an intimate and closely-knit community vibe. The environment is sizable, lush, and full of opportunities for exploration—think hiking, cycling, or even just a scenic study session!

In terms of academics, Sewanee is renowned for its particularly strong programs in English, biology and environmental studies. The student to faculty ratio is low promoting more personalized instruction, engagement in classes, and fostering encounters with professors outside of the classroom.

A major tradition at Sewanee is the "Sewanee Angel", which is a person paired with you anonymously to exchange gifts during finals week. It's a fun way to de-stress and build community. Another widely recognized tradition is the wearing of academic gowns, which harkens back to Sewanee's Episcopal roots and underscores the university's commitment to the life of the mind.

For extracurricular activities, Sewanee boasts a large number of clubs and organizations, so students have plenty of opportunities to pursue their interests or try something new. It also has a vibrant Greek life, with a significant percentage of students participating in fraternities or sororities.

The community at Sewanee is often described as supportive and inclusive with a student body that's actively involved in campus life, presenting a warm Southern hospitality that many adore about the institution.

Remember though, like any institution, individual experiences can vary, so connecting with current students can provide a deeper understanding of daily life at Sewanee.

3 days ago

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