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What's campus life like at OSU in Columbus, Ohio?

I'm thinking about applying to Ohio State University in Columbus. Can anyone share what campus life is like there? I'm interested in the social scene, academics, and any unique opportunities the university offers.

22 days ago

Ohio State University (OSU) in Columbus boasts a vibrant and varied campus life, balancing rigorous academics with a myriad of extracurricular activities.

Academically, OSU is a large public research institution, known for its strong programs in business, engineering, nursing, and political science, to name a few. The professors are generally regarded as approachable and willing to help students succeed. Plus, there are multiple academic resources and tutoring services to navigate challenging course material. You can also engage in noteworthy research opportunities as an undergraduate, contributing to numerous ongoing projects led by faculty.

As for social scene, OSU is home to over 1,000 student organizations, so it's easy to find a group that aligns with your interests, whether it be culture, arts, sports, social advocacy, or something else. Greek life plays a significant role on campus, with plenty of fraternities and sororities to choose from, though it's not an obligatory part of the student experience.

The Buckeyes' sporting events, especially football games, are immensely popular and create a unified and spirited social atmosphere. Attending a game at "The Shoe" (Ohio Stadium) can be quite an experience.

OSU is also located in Columbus, Ohio's capital, meaning there are numerous opportunities to explore outside of campus. The Short North and German Village neighborhoods are popular with students, offering a bevy of shops, restaurants, and cultural events.

One unique opportunity is the STEP (Second-year Transformational Experience Program) which offers students resources to participate in study abroad programs, internships, research, and service projects, among other experiences. It’s a distinctive program that brings together small cohorts of students with faculty mentors, fostering close-knit communities within the larger OSU student body.

In terms of campus facilities, libraries, research labs, recreation centers, and dining facilities are comfortable and well-maintained, enhancing the overall student life experience tremendously.

In sum, there's plenty to explore and experience on and off-campus at OSU! The intersection of academic rigor, vibrant student life, and unique programs such as STEP provides a dynamic and enriching environment for students.

22 days ago

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