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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where is Coastal Carolina University located?

I'm considering Coastal Carolina University, but I'm not entirely sure where it's located. Can someone tell me where it is and maybe a bit about the surrounding area? I'm trying to get a sense of the campus vibe.

14 days ago

Coastal Carolina University is located in Conway, South Carolina, which is just a short distance away from the tourist hot spot of Myrtle Beach. This gives the university a unique atmosphere that combines the tranquility of a suburban campus with access to the energy and recreational opportunities of a beach-side city.

The university itself sits on 631 acres and includes a charming "University Blvd" that leads through the heart of the campus. The area surrounding the university is rich with natural beauty, including lush forests, verdant parks, and the nearby Waccamaw River.

On the flip side, being close to Myrtle Beach also offers plenty of entertainment and recreational activities. The city is well-known for its beaches, golf courses, boardwalk filled with arcades and restaurants, and the SkyWheel, one of the country’s tallest Ferris wheels.

So, if you're someone who enjoys a quieter campus environment but still wants the option to explore city life and enjoy outdoor activities, Coastal Carolina University could be a great fit for you! Remember, visiting (if you can) is often the best way to get a genuine feel for the college environment.

14 days ago

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