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Boosting SAT Writing score with key strategies?

Hello! I'm trying to improve my SAT Writing score, and I've seen some improvement, but I'm still not satisfied. Do you guys have any go-to strategies or resources that have helped you with the writing section? Much appreciated, thank you!

a year ago

Hey there! I can understand the desire to improve your SAT Writing score, and I'm here to help. A few strategies that can make a significant difference are:

1. Familiarize yourself with grammar rules: To improve at identifying errors in the passages, brush up on your grammar, including subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, punctuation, and sentence structure. There are online resources like Khan Academy and CollegeVine that offer tutorials on these topics.

2. Practice active reading: While going through a passage, underline or circle words, phrases, or sentences that look off to you. By engaging with the text, you'll be more likely to catch errors when answering questions.

3. Understand the types of questions: Generally, the questions in the SAT Writing section revolve around punctuation, sentence structure, transitions, and the overall organization of paragraphs. The more you practice, the quicker you'll identify the type of question and know which grammar rule to apply.

4. Manage time wisely: Allocate time for each passage and monitor your progress. This will prevent spending too much time on a single section, allowing you to answer more questions accurately.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Look for official SAT practice tests or other reliable sources for practice passages and questions. Good luck, and I hope you achieve your desired score!

a year ago

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