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What are my chances at UNI at Buffalo?

Considering applying to the University at Buffalo and wondering how competitive the admissions process is. Does anyone have insights into what kind of stats or extracurriculars are needed to get in?

4 days ago

The University at Buffalo is a fairly accessible school with an acceptance rate of around 57%. While it's easier to get into compared to some more selective schools, you should still showcase solid academics to be a competitive applicant.

For academics, the middle 50% GPA range is about 3.5-4.0 on a weighted scale. If your GPA falls in or above this range, you're in a good position. As for standardized tests, the university is currently test-optional due to the changes that have occurred in standardized testing. If you have taken the SAT or ACT and scored well, it could potentially enhance your application but is not required.

Extracurricular involvement is another important aspect of the application. The University at Buffalo, like many colleges, values a strong involvement in extracurricular activities. Quality is generally more significant than quantity, meaning it's more important to be deeply involved in a few activities than only slightly involved in many. This could entail holding leadership positions, having significant achievements, or devoting a significant amount of time to an activity.

Overall, since the admissions at the University at Buffalo are not immensely selective, having solid academics and being involved in extracurriculars should position you well for admission. Note that they take a holistic approach, so in addition to the points mentioned above, factors like your essays, recommendation letters, and potential interviews also matter. Be sure your personal qualities and passion come across effectively in these parts of the application.

4 days ago

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