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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's Unique About the University of Connecticut?

I'm thinking about applying to UConn and would love to know what makes it stand out. Are there any strong programs or campus features that current students really appreciate?

3 months ago

The University of Connecticut (UConn) has a range of impressive attributes that make it quite unique. One particular standout is their Honors Program, which is highly respected and provides students with smaller classes, more access to faculty, and a supportive community of high-achieving peers.

UConn is also especially known for its agriculture school, particularly its pre-vet program which is among the best in the country. This is facilitated by the campus farm that offers students hands-on experience in the field. The School of Business, School of Engineering, and the Neag School of Education are also highly ranked and bring UConn a lot of recognition.

If you're into sports, you'd likely appreciate being part of the Huskie Nation. The women's and men's basketball teams have an impressive record in the NCAA, with the women's team being one of the most dominant in the history of college sports.

In terms of campus features, UConn has a beautiful, sprawling main campus in Storrs. It's located in a rural setting but is also close to Hartford and Boston, offering students a combination of serene farmlands and city life. The campus itself has modern facilities and lots of open space and greenery - perfect for those who appreciate the great outdoors.

Lastly, UConn's commitment to sustainability is commendable. The university encourages environmentally responsible behaviors on campus and continuously works to reduce its carbon footprint. This effort is manifested in the multitude of research projects and initiatives dedicated to environmental sustainability.

Keep these unique features in mind as you consider UConn, and good luck with the application process!

3 months ago

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