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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What universities have high acceptance rates?

I'm looking into universities with high acceptance rates because I want to have some safe options. Can anyone recommend some colleges that are known for being easier to get into, especially ones with good programs?

3 months ago

Definitely, there are a number of universities that have high acceptance rates (over 50%) and are known for their solid academic offerings.

One such school is the University of Arizona, which has an acceptance rate of around 85%. It has strong programs in Management Information Systems and Entrepreneurship.

Another one is the University of Mississippi, with an acceptance rate close to 88%. It's particularly renowned for its programs in Pharmacy and Business.

The University of Toledo, holds an acceptance rate of approximately 96%, and it shines in the fields of Pharmacy and Occupational Therapy.

Do remember that while these universities may be easier to get into statistically, it's crucial that the programs and overall fit meet your personal interests, goals, and future career aspirations. The quality of education and your dedication to it matter most, regardless of the acceptance rate of a college.

Further, consider reaching out to the admissions offices of these universities or attending virtual open houses or college fairs to learn more about what each can offer you. This effort can provide you with insights that will help you make a more informed decision.

3 months ago

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