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What are the best colleges in New York City?

I'm excited about the idea of going to college in New York City. Aside from the big-name schools, are there any hidden gems I should look into? How is student life in such a bustling city?

a day ago

When people think about colleges in New York City, they often think of well-known private schools such as New York University and Columbia University. Columbia University is an Ivy League member located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood, offering rigorous academics and a core curriculum steeped in the classics. NYU, on the other hand, is known for its programs in business, arts, and communication based in the heart of Manhattan.

Beyond these well-known institutions, another strong contender in the NYC higher education landscape is Fordham University, an excellent Jesuit institution recognized for its programs in business and law, among other areas. Located in the Bronx, Fordham offers a nice balance between city living and campus life.

Hunter College is a part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system, and it's a hidden gem that provides solid opportunities in a range of disciplines, including social sciences, arts, nursing, and humanities. It's known for its diverse student population and strong sense of community.

The Juilliard School, located in Lincoln Center, is a world-renowned institution for those interested in the arts, specifically music, dance, and drama.

Pace University in lower Manhattan is another option that offers a comprehensive range of programs and a notable BFA in Acting.

As for student life, living in a city is significantly different from living in a campus environment. Students have immediate access to the real-world application of their studies, whether it's the United Nations for Political Science majors, Wall Street for Finance majors, or Broadway for Theater majors. Opportunities for internships and networking are abundant, yet the city can also be overwhelming with its pace and cost of living. Still, many students find the vibrant culture, diversity, global opportunities, and energetic pace invigorating and unique to NYC.

a day ago

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