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Nursing Schools in Cleveland, Ohio - Recommendations?

Hey, I'm looking into nursing schools around Cleveland, Ohio. Can anyone suggest some good colleges with strong nursing programs? I'm hoping for a school that offers hands-on experience and has a great reputation.

2 days ago

Absolutely, there are several great nursing schools in and around Cleveland with sterling reputations and hands-on experience opportunities.

Firstly, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Cleveland has an excellent nursing program. CWRU's Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing is widely recognized and offers outstanding research opportunities. It's also known for its distinctions such as being the first university to offer a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program.

Another option is Cleveland State University (CSU). CSU also has a highly regarded nursing program. The School of Nursing engages students with both rigorous in-classroom instruction and experiential learning through clinical placements across Greater Cleveland.

Finally, you might consider the University of Akron's College of Health Professions, which is a short drive from Cleveland. While not located directly in the city, it offers Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees, has smaller class sizes, and maintains strong partnerships with local healthcare facilities for hands-on clinical experience.

All three institutions have a solid track record in nursing education and offer students ample opportunities for hands-on learning in various healthcare settings. Make sure to check out their respective admission requirements and deadlines. Good luck!

2 days ago

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