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Which universities in the US are best for international students scholarships?

I'm an international student trying to figure out which US universities offer the best scholarships for students like me. I've heard some schools are more generous than others. Can anyone share their experiences or suggestions on where to apply?

a day ago

There are quite a few universities in the United States known for their generous scholarships to international students. However, the "best" university will depend on your individual profile and areas of interest. It's always good to rigorously research each university you're interested in.

1. University of Chicago: UChicago offers need-blind admission to international students. Once admitted, your full demonstrated need will be met.

2. Harvard University: Harvard also has a policy of need-blind admissions for international students, and promises to meet 100% of demonstrated need. Families who earn below $85,000 annually typically contribute nothing.

3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): MIT is need-blind for both domestic and international students, and meets 100% of demonstrated financial need.

4. Yale University: Like MIT, Yale practices need-blind admissions for all students, including international ones, and meets the full demonstrated need.

5. Amherst College: As one of the few liberal arts colleges offering need-blind admissions to international students, Amherst is another option to consider.

Remember, merit-based scholarships are different from need-based ones. Some schools offer separate scholarships specifically for international students. Also note that the competitiveness differs from school to school, so it's helpful to have a range of options. In all cases, keep track of deadlines and make sure your applications are complete and submitted on time. Best of luck!

a day ago

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