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Visiting the University of Florida Gainesville campus?

I'm planning a visit to the University of Florida in Gainesville soon. Can anyone share what the campus is like, particularly for prospective students? Any tips on what to see or do while I'm there?

2 days ago

Certainly! When visiting the University of Florida, you'll get a peek into a lively, large campus filled with vibrant energy. A student-led walking tour, provided by the UF Visitor Services, is a great starting point. You'll get to see primary campus buildings, dorm areas, and gain some valuable insights about the campus culture.

Don't miss Century Tower, a UF landmark housing the university's carillon. Meanwhile, Marston Science Library is the main science library which stands out for its innovative design and is home to some fantastic resources. Also, make sure you take a stroll by Lake Alice - it's a peaceful place for some quiet time and you might even spot a few native Florida alligators!

When time permits, check out the Florida Museum of Natural History and Harn Museum of Art, both located on the southeastern edge of campus. The interactive Butterfly Rainforest in the Natural History Museum is notably appealing.

Lastly, you can't really visit UF without checking out "The Swamp", or Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, where Gator Football takes place. If you're lucky to visit during a game - even better!

As for dining, you'll find a variety of options from major fast food chains to local eateries around campus. Especially nice eateries are located near University Avenue and 13th Street.

Remember, campuses can be busy, so it's a good idea to follow parking rules and check ahead for any major events occurring during your visit. Enjoy your tour!

2 days ago

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