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Which art schools in Atlanta, Georgia should I consider?

I'm planning on applying to art schools and I'm drawn to Atlanta, Georgia. What are some reputable art schools in this area that offer strong programs? I'd love to get some advice from those familiar with the scene.

2 months ago

Atlanta, Georgia, is a vibrant city with a rich arts scene, and several notable institutions help contribute to that vibrancy.

1. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Atlanta: SCAD Atlanta offers students a broad array of programs, including film and television, animation, illustration, and interactive design. The school also boasts state-of-the-art facilities and supplies students with a wealth of resources and connections to the professional art world.

2. Georgia State University School of Art and Design: This institution offers programs in disciplines like graphic design, studio art, and textile design. It also has graduate programs for those interested in furthering their skills.

3. Emory University's Department of Art History: If you're considering a more academic track within the arts, Emory provides robust art history programs that explore global artistic traditions.

4. Kennesaw State University School of Art and Design: Just outside of Atlanta, they offer various concentrations, including digital animation, graphic communications, and painting and drawing.

Do keep in mind that the ideal school depends on your specific interests in art. Be sure to check out each school's curriculum and course offerings, and talk to current students or alumni if possible to better understand the strengths and culture of each program!

2 months ago

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