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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Using a Scholarship Portal for International Students

I'm exploring options for studying abroad and heard about scholarship portals for international students. Can anyone recommend a good scholarship portal that consolidates opportunities for international students?

a day ago

Sure, there are several reliable portals that consolidate international scholarships. One of them is the CollegeBoard’s International Scholarship search. It's a comprehensive database that includes scholarships available to international students.

The Institute of International Education's Funding for US Study online database is another good resource. It lists scholarships and grants for international students looking to study in the US.

Lastly, Appily is a platform that allows you to search for scholarships based on your background and interests. They have a wide variety of scholarship opportunities, including those specifically for international students.

Keep in mind that applying for scholarships is just as competitive as college applications, so make sure to start early and apply to as many as you can. Also, always read the eligibility and application requirements carefully before applying. Good luck!

a day ago

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