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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Scholarship Search Engine for International Students

What are some good scholarship search engines that could help me as an international student find funding options for studying abroad? I've heard about a few but want to make sure I'm using the best ones.

14 hours ago

Sure, there are several scholarship search platforms that are known to be useful for international students seeking funding for studies abroad.

Firstly, "International Scholarships" is a comprehensive database specifically tailored for international students. It allows students to sort through scholarships based on country of origin, country of intended study, and field of study.

Secondly, you might want to consider "IEFA" which is short for International Education Financial Aid. It has a vast collection of scholarships, grants, and fellowships for international students, so it could be a precious resource.

Lastly, Fastweb, while not exclusively focused on international students, has a massive database of scholarships and filters that can narrow down options for international study.

While using these platforms, please ensure that you're meeting all the application requirements before spending time on an application. Also, check out financial aid options specific to the universities to which you plan to apply. Many institutions have scholarships specifically for international students.

Don't forget, simultaneous to searching for scholarships, it's also crucial to focus on making your application as strong as possible. Good luck with your search!

14 hours ago

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