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Looking for information on SJSU scholarships for international students

I'm an international student hoping to apply to San Jose State University. Can anyone guide me on available scholarships or financial aid options there? Any tips on the application process for these scholarships would be much appreciated!

18 hours ago

San Jose State University (SJSU) has some scholarship programs that international students can explore. Although most federal and state financial aid programs are limited to U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens, there are opportunities specifically for international students too.

One of the primary scholarships to consider is the International Student Scholarship Program, which awards scholarships based on academic achievement. You're automatically considered for this when you apply to SJSU—there's no separate application process.

SJSU also offers the Spartan Scholarship program which is available to all students, including international students. These are typically merit-based and vary in terms of amount and eligibility criteria. The Spartan Scholarship application opens in the Spring and decisions are usually announced during the Fall. You'll need to fill out the General Application, after which you'll be automatically matched to scholarships for which you're eligible.

A less-known resource is the SJSU Financial Aid and Scholarship Office, which maintains a list of external scholarships. They update this regularly and it's worth checking out.

Additionally, you may want to consider part-time student employment opportunities on campus. These roles often work around student schedules and provide another source of funding.

In terms of tips for your scholarship applications, it's crucial to keep your eye on deadlines and make sure your submissions are complete and on time. It's also beneficial to showcase your extracurricular involvement, leadership roles, or any other indicators of 'spikes' or highly-developed specialties. Being able to stand out from a crowd in a field could give you an edge in the review process.

Lastly, check with your home country's governmental and educational departments as they may also offer scholarships for students studying abroad.

All this said it's important to keep in mind that scholarships can be highly competitive, and it's a good idea to have a financial plan that doesn't solely rely on receiving one.

18 hours ago

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