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Mastering solid geometry for SAT and ACT?

Hi all, I'm working on improving my score in the Math section of both the SAT and ACT. I'm having some trouble with solid geometry problems. Can anyone suggest any resources like guides or videos that could help me out?

a year ago

Hi there! Solid geometry can be challenging, but it's great that you're seeking help to master it. First, I'd recommend checking out Khan Academy, as they offer a variety of free resources, including video lessons and practice problems, that can help you better understand solid geometry concepts. Their material is tailored for both the SAT and ACT exams. You can find the solid geometry section in their math course offerings.

Also, you can visit CollegeVine's SAT Prep and ACT Prep sections, which include helpful guides and practice materials to improve your math skills. They also provide useful tips on how to tackle tough math problems and strategies for time management.

Lastly, YouTube is another great resource if you prefer the visual approach. There are channels dedicated to SAT and ACT Math, like Scalar Learning and SupertutorTV, which offer in-depth lessons on solid geometry.

I hope these resources prove helpful. Good luck with your studying, and just remember to practice consistently!

a year ago

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